Nokia N9 and CalDAV on Google
Wow! It's some 18 months since I last published anything here! Time to add a quick article that puts in one place the results of something I was looking at last night.
The idea here is to synchronise your Google calendar(s) with your N9 (and presumably N950 since they both run MeeGo Harmattan), which isn't that hard in itself. What caught me out and had me searching was how to sync all my Google calendars with the phone.
Single calendar
In its most basic form, this system allows you to sync just your main Google calendar with a mobile device.
On your phone, go into "Accounts" and start setting up a new CalDAV account: Fill in your Google e-mail address (eg. and your Google account password, and in the "Server/URL" field enter:
Multiple calendars
Point your browser (mobile or desktop, it doesn't matter) at this URL:
The idea here is to synchronise your Google calendar(s) with your N9 (and presumably N950 since they both run MeeGo Harmattan), which isn't that hard in itself. What caught me out and had me searching was how to sync all my Google calendars with the phone.
Single calendar
In its most basic form, this system allows you to sync just your main Google calendar with a mobile device.
On your phone, go into "Accounts" and start setting up a new CalDAV account: Fill in your Google e-mail address (eg. and your Google account password, and in the "Server/URL" field enter: on the "Sign in" button and you will be presented with a page allowing you to set up the scheduling (just like with any synchronised account) and showing you the calendar that's going to be synced and added to your phone's calendar: What frustrated me was the fact that I actually have 2 calendars on my Google account and only one was showing up. I wanted both. Clearly, Google wasn't exporting both calendars.
Multiple calendars
Point your browser (mobile or desktop, it doesn't matter) at this URL: will see a list of the calendars you have and you will be able to select which ones are to be made accessible to CalDAV clients. Select those that you want to export and click on the "Save" button. Now go back to the CalDAV account on your phone, tap the "Sync" button, and all the accounts should appear and be added to the phone's calendar: Furthermore, any changes made to events in those calendars and any new events added to them should make it to the online version on Google once everything has been synced again.